MiBank Aiming to Grow MCOs Footprints
MiBank Aiming to Grow MCOs Footprints
With the aim to grow its footprint throughout Papua New Guinea, MiBank held a two day conference in Port Moresby for mobile channel officers (MCOs) under the theme ‘Enhancing Digital Financial Services Footprint’.
Agent network manager Steven Ereman said 16 MCOs took part in the meeting on how to the bank’s agent network.
“So our main aim this year is to drive our footprint throughout the country, through our agent network. We will use the agents to extend our network throughout all provinces and districts in order to assist our customers,” Ereman said
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He said the conference was an opportunity for the bank’s agents to learn from each other.
“It’s a first of its kind for MiBank to conduct a MCOs conference. They’ve done few presentations and we will equip them and send them back to our branches.”
Ereman said the meeting was vital for the agents and the bank itself.
“It’s very important for the bank as the officers are the front-liners at the branch level. They will be going out scouting, training and working with agents to ensure MiBank can reach out to its customers.
“We are trying to bring services to their (customers’) doorsteps. The expectations from customers are for efficient and real-time banking service.”
Ereman said the bank is planning to increase the number of agents by 94 from 260 this year.
“We are not looking at small agents, we are targeting big businesses that can assist our customers. So they open accounts, accept MiBank deposits and give out withdrawals.”
“We are open to entities that are willing to become a MiBank agent. They can reach out to us and we’ll see how we can assist them,” he said.

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