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The video has been created as requested and can be amended as you wish. In order to maximise awareness of this video, we suggest that the social media postings for this be boosted.Boosting allows greater reach and depending on the purpose can increase traffic to your site. We can post it on our own page and have this boosted for about 5 days. It may also be best to offer an incentive as a way of encouraging use and familiarity. The incentive could be by way of discount for those who request a quote and actually pay for the quote within a certain number of days. This is just a thought. The boosting costs so depending on the number of days, additional boosting costs on our own social media accounts will apply.
BizPrint Quote Video
Category: BizPrint
Media Type: Reel
Content Type: Announcement
Purpose: Product Education
Platform: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn
Status: Draft
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