Content Create Stats Form

Content Create Stats

Statistical Data Reports

DD slash MM slash YYYY

Facebook Data

People who like your page
The number of New Likes your page received
The number of people who liked, commented, shared or performed any type of click on any content from your pages, as a percentage of the number of people who saw it.
The number of times any content from or about your page was displayed on a person's screen. Content includes Posts, Ads, Feed Stories and more
The number of times any content you published during the time frame was displayed on a person's screen. Content includes statuses, photos, links, videos and more
The number of clicks on the links in posts you published during the time frame that did not generate a feed story. Includes clicks on links, photos, videos and other clicks
FB Top Posts

Instagram Data

The number of people following your accounts
The number of new people following your accounts
The number of times you're organic post appeared on a person's screen. Does not include profile visits.
The number of likes comments, saves and shares(shares not counted for carousels yet) received by post you published during the timeframe. Posts include photos videos, carousels and reels.
The number of times organic content published during the timeframe was displayed on a pasting screen. Content includes photos, videos carousels and stories.
The number of taps on the website link in your profile without paid promotion.
IG Top Posts

LinkedIn Data

The number of people following your page.
The number of new people who follow your pages was the number of people who unfollowed your pages including from paid promotion. This number can be negative if there are more people who unfollowed than those who followed a page.
The number of times your pages post were displayed on LinkedIn member screens.
The number of times people clicked liked commented or shit content from your pages as a percentage of the people who saw them.
The number of clicks on your content company name or logo by a sign in member. Does not include interactions shares reactions and comments.. If a member clicks on the same content multiple times it is counted is a single click.
LI Top Posts